Původní stránky o filmu noir kompletně v češtině

18. listopadu 2009

Andrew Sarris o béčkových filmech (a filmu noir)

Následující dva odstavce jsou součástí eseje "Beatitudes of B Pictures", kterou slavný americký kritik Andrew Sarris napsal pro sborník Kings of the Bs: Working Within the Hollywood System. Okrajově se v ní zmiňuje i o filmu noiru, proto mě napadlo nahodit její část na blog.

There are at least two ways of looking fondly at any given B picture. One is the way of the trivia hound, and the other is the way of the treasure hunter. Whereas the trivia hound loves all B pictures simply because they are B pictures, the treasure hunter loves only certain B pictures because they have somehow overcome the onus of having started out as B pictures. Thus, the trivia hound tends to be encyclopedic, and the treasure hunter tends to be selective. By necessity, the treasure hunter must share some of the zeal of the trivia hound, but the trivia hound need not recognize the aesthetic restrictions of the treasure hunter. I would tend to classify myself as a treasure hunter with a touch of the trivia hound. Hence, I cannot embrace all the B-ness of B pictures. Nor do I consider all genres equal.
Musicals and comedies, for example, seldom surmount the ritualized format of the Bs. Indeed, the big curse of the Bs as a class of movies is a dreary tendency toward facetiousness without wit or humor. Nothing is more depressing about a bad movie than its bad jokes or its failed musical numbers or its unimaginative slapstick. Thus, a disproportionate number of fondly remembered B pictures fall into the general category of the film noir. Somehow even mediocrity can become majestic when it is coupled with death, which is to say that if only good movies can teach us how to live, even bad movies can teach us how to die. 

z SARRIS, Andrew. "Beatitudes of B Pictures". In: McCARTHY, Todd, FLYNN, Charles. Kings of the Bs: Working Within the Hollywood System. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1975. str. 49 - 50.

A co vy? Ke které skupině fanoušků béček patříte?

6 komentářů:

  1. "Somehow even mediocrity can become majestic when it is coupled with death" to je hodne dobry... :) jinak nevim, ja beckovost u noiru moc neresim. ty rozdily se tady fakt dost stiraji... obzvlast pokud ma byt za becko povazovan i Touch of Evil...

  2. On to Sarris psal o hollywoodskych beckach obecne - a tim, ze si vybirame noiry na ukor beckovych komedii a muzikalu se nejspis radime mezi ty "lovce pokladu". Ale v ramci samotneho noiru budeme naopak ti encyklopedisti, protoze jdeme v podstate po vsem... ono je to vlastne uplne jedno, jenom mi to prislo zajimave :)

    Pokud narazite na nejaky zajimavy citat, nahodte to sem, at z toho maji neco i ostatni.

  3. divat se na beckovy komedie a muzikaly bych asi fakt nezvladl. :)

  4. ja se divam na beckove akcnaky a horory. Mnohem vic nez na beckove noiry treba :o)

  5. ja vim, Action Jackson rules! :P

  6. toho neodmitnu ani ve dve rano :op
